Massimo Pietrini - Technical Dept. Director

To us this means building Yachts with not just an aesthetic apperance resembling commercial Vessels. Having the capaciy to sail safely the Oceans, to have a range of more than 7000 nm, the redundancy of all the main machineries and equipments, using thickness of metals more than double than required by the most important Classification Societies in the world, and all this standard characteristics of our Yachts has nothing to do with aesthetics. It is all about substance, know-how, experience in building for decades the most complex Commercial Vessels like Chemical Tankers of 120 metres. It is all about a specific DNA which you can find only in the blood of the ones who have a specific know how and shipbuilding approach.

For example, even for vessels under 24 meters which are included in CE regulations and, for that, not submitted to specific International rules, Cantiere delle Marche has voluntarily chosen, to endow its boats oto Rina’s class certification. Therefore, the building process is followed, both, under design and executive aspects from Rina Surveyors, who usually perform those activities for merchant ships or for megayachts, longer than 24 meters. It goes without saying that – if a client would prefere a different class, like for example Lloyd’s Register or any other which guarantee to the yard the appropriate high standard of design and construction - we have no problem in following the LR rules (or others) as we are already doing with our customers. The only limit for us is: we do not accept classifications which would not guarantee to us and our clients the highest and toughest standards. That’s why Cantiere delle Marche has also felt the need of complying to the International set of rules which are issued and enforced by IMO(International maritime organization), the supreme International organization, that supervises the maritime navigation.IMO is the United Nations agency, responsible for release and application of all the proceedings regarding the improvement of navigation safety and the pollution prevention.

This International entity has issued many “conventions”, including the “MARPOL”, which defines the rules related to the prevention of both, sea and air pollution, caused by ships and to which all of our vessels apply.

This set of rules is mandatory for merchant boats and yachts of bigger dimension than what we build, but – once again – we do not think that rules are something to be avoided if not compulsory. We think that if rulla are setting an higher standard of production, it is due to our clients to follow them, granting them the best for cruising around the oceans.

Annex 1 of MARPOL states the rules regarding oils pollution’s prevention and enforce the treatment of the bilge oils with special water-oil separators, consequently, the sewage spilled into the sea has an oil content not higher than 15 ppm (parts per milions).

Annex 4 of MARPOL states the rules for the prevention of sewage pollution, requiring the treatment of these sewage with dedicated approved facilities, chemically (by chlorination) or biologically (by oxygenation). Thanks to this process, once spilled into the sea, the sewage doesn’t produce bacterial pollution.

The dimensions (tonnage) of Cantiere delle Marche productions don’t require the compulsory respect of these Marpol annexes but, for our own choice, all the vessels are equipped with these two machineries, giving the chance to our owners to have a yacht that is abreast of the times and which allowes to navigate in marine parks and to stop in the most beautiful bays of the world, without the apprehension of alterating natural beauty and biological balance.

Coherently with the philosopy that has led to the technical choices, mentioned above, Cantiere delle Marche has joined the Charles Darwin Foundation for Galapagos Isles, a no-profit organization whose aim is the preservetion of Galapagos Isles, through research and scientific disclosure. This liason states itself that a CDM is and always will be built with the greatest respect for the elements.



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

A conversation with Paul Miletta and Domenico Giuffrè by Maria Roberta Morso
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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia