Sergio Cutolo - Darwin Class Designer

The Darwin 96’ project of Cantiere delle Marche was born in the wake and with the family feeling of the Darwin 86’, because we felt the need of building a boat able to maintain all the great qualities of its younger sister but, at the same time, also able to give the chance to have more space onboard to dedicate to the crew and technical areas.
If the 86’ is considered a target vessel for italian and european clients because of its LOA under the 24 mt, the 96’ is attracting attention outside the european boundaries, even if - what a coincidence – the shipowner of ther first model is actually an italian… The aesthetic shape reminds the 86’s, in fact it does not betray the characteristic style of working boats, but thanks to the increased feet, it is sleeker and definitely less massive, with a greater surfaces continuity, through the smart engineering and design use of proportions between the considerable height of the structure and the hull beam that reaches, here, 7,55 meters. Further to these measures, we have been capable of developing a larger internal volume to be dedicated especially to technical spaces, such as aft peaks, lazarette and main deck and this has allowed us to add one more cabin for the crew, in order to grant to the owners and their guests a complete separation in terms of life on board and a better service.
While maintaining a strong “marine” vocation typical of the work boats, we have made a remarkable effort to improve even more the arrangement of the internal areas and their volumes, which now result absolutely even more excellent and surprising than the 86’. Concerning the distribution of the areas, thanks to their volume, we can offer several layout solutions, according to different preferences or needs, without doing any structural changes to the hull.
Regarding the materials choice, Darwin 96 has the hull in steel and the superstructure in light alloy, which guaratee maximum strength and endurance, considering the intensive use at which these vessels are usually submitted. Speaking about technical aspects, even the hull of the 96’ keeps the 86’ characteristics in terms of performances and manouvrability. The 86’ bottom infact has already been designed and built to reach high speed in relation to the type of boat without penalizing the low speed perfomances. The manouvrability of these vessels is incredibile: at 11 knots they can turn around 360° in less than two lengths!
Starting from the same naval platform , with a displacement round bottomed hull, characterized by soft lines and a particularly rounded knee, we have changed only the extremities and since the beginning, on the 96’, we have included a bulbous bow option that allowes a further increase of efficiency and seaworthiness.
Best performance at low speed and a huge range at the same time are once again the highlights of this project. This is what has made our project so succesful in such a short time: seaworthiness, efficency, sturdiness and an incredibile volume for the length. Propulsion guaranteed by two MTU engines, 8 V cylinders of 880 kW, with an expected calibration suitable for work boats which grant long duration and autonomy performance and a low consumption even at max speed which is going to be around 13,5.