Sergio Cutolo - Darwin Class Designer

After having presented the new Darwin 90 and 115 in Cannes, how would you position this Darwin 107’ in the range? The new Darwin 107’is quite close to the 115’ in terms of length. The design has started from the specific requirement of the Client, a very expert and knowledgeable yacht man, who has asked us a very family oriented version of the Darwin Class also considering that the crew is virtually part of the family, after so many years working for the same Principal. Obviously the aesthetic choices and design details of this Darwin 107’ are completely in line with what I defined in the last issue of this newsletter as the Darwin 2.0: the first real refreshing of this range since the launch of the Darwin 86 three years ago.

Let’s go deeper into the Darwin 107’ design. The 107' represents a very clever compromise as far as the technical contents, the volume and the price are concerned. There is no doubt that it is ‘a lot of boat’ for the size and its intrinsical contents are definitely the highest possible on the market today. It is based on a new naval platform, with width and length of construcion significatevely incremented if compared to the previous yachts delivered by CdM. The waterlines, even if based on the previous succesful experiences, have been optimized with Final Element Analysis in cooperation with the Marin Dutch Institute, granting to the owner the best efficiency, seaworthiness and performance in all conditions. This is of paramount importance importance, keeping in mind that this Vessel will cruise up to the North West Passage and the guests will be onboard for many days also during long passages. As I said before when presenting the Darwin 90 and 115, the refresh of the design it is evident looking at this yachts, but at the same time it is very difficult to recognize it in its single elements: The 107’ is in all respects a Darwin Class at first sight.

What would you identify as the strengths of the Darwin 107’? As far as we have realized working side by side with the owner, its captain and the staff at CdM, the main peculiarities of this design are the simplicity of the basics of the engineering of this project (which doesn’t mean a simple project…) which has been thought as usual for the Darwins to be hyper reliable, and the extreme personalization and customization of the details in order to satisfy in full the owner’s needs together with the ones of his crew. In any case, it is very important to stress that this platform, for its characteristics, it is very flexible and it adapts perfectly to many different needs: this is why – at the moment – it is already used by the shipyard for different commercial proposals.

Once again, the joint effort between a shipyard with an amazing vision of the market and its customer’s needs, and a clever design engineering is proving to be a winning formula!



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia