Vasco Buonpensiere - Sales and Marketing Director

We are all ready to attend the first Boat Show of the year for CdM and we are very excited to exhibit our Darwin 86 M/Y Percheron after its winter cruise in the Caribbeans during which it added about 2500 miles to the 5000 already logged since august. We have been constantly reported by its owner and captain during their cruise and we are proud to say that everything kept on going very well onboard as it happened before, crossing the Atlantic. The same can be said about M/Y Furst 60, the one-off single engined 82’ delivered last July, which after a very enjoiable and haslefree summer, has cruised from Italy to North Africa during the Christmas holidays!

This is what is all about here at CdM: engineering, designing, building and deliverying reliable vessels which can give to their owners pleasant and smooth holidays, and to their crew, hasslefree miles! Well... the truth is that CdM is also about trying to be succesful on the market... And also in this respect we are glad to communicate that 2013 has begun under a very bright star: another Nauta Air has been sold to a northern european client for whom we customized the Nauta Air 86, adding another two feet and transforming it in a Nauta Air 88 (the magic of a real Custom shipyard).

In order to give you a more interesting and inner sight of what is happening at the yard, as usual, in this issue of the CdM Buletin, we are giving voice to the ones who are making our working experience so special: you will read interviews to the Australian owner of one of our Nauta Air 86, another interview to Joshua Lee of Lee Marine who helped us to sell the same boat, and we are glad to have also a quick overview of the same yacht from our great friend Mario Pedol of Nauta. On top of that, we are proud to publish one more article which I am sure will be of great interest for all of you written by the Chief Editor of the reknowned Yachting Magazines, Yacht Capital and Yacht Design.

I hope to see many of you in Miami, a ‘save the date’ with all the needed information to reach us there will soon follow in your inboxes!



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

A conversation with Paul Miletta and Domenico Giuffrè by Maria Roberta Morso
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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia