M. - Owner of Nauta Air 86

How did you get in contact with CdM and why you considered it could have been one of the shipyards of your choice during your initial selection process? In few words: what made you decide to travel from Thailand to Italy (a very long trip, indeed) just to visit CdM and meet the staff there? I was introduced to CDM by Marcus of Lee Marine who is selling my current yacht for me in Phuket. Marcus knew that I was looking for a long range explorer style vessel and so he suggested that I have a look at CDM. I felt that the fact that CDM was a relatively new company (in recreational boating that is) and the fact that it was a substantial lifestyle and financial investment that I should jump on a plane and go and meet the team personally and tour the factory.

Once there, I suppose you arrived without really knowing what to expect: what was your first impression and how long did it take to start considering that it was worth the trip? At that time there was limited information on the yacht I was interested in and the fact that I had not dealt with an Italian shipyard before. (I had a fairly good idea that I would be well fed mind you!!!!) As far as first impressions go it was fantastic, CDM was a new facility with good energy everywhere. What really struck me was the fact that it was not a huge premises like I had seen with some of the other brands and before really getting into negotiations had a feeling that the service would be much more personal and focused, instead of just being one of many clients that walk in and out of the front door.

We have read many times in this Bulletin, other CdM Owners stressing the efficiency of the staff during the pre-purchase process, and the tangible positive atmosphere at the yard: whas it the same for you? What else did you appreciate during the process which made you feel so comfortable to then decide to proceed with the purchase of our yacht? Ennio, Vasco and Massimo have been extraordinarily helpful and attentive to my needs, I feel at time I might have been a tad of a handful due to this being my first custom build. Whenever I have needed information in certain areas it has been made available to me. I had a hugely busy schedule last year and had had enough of being on an plane so Vasco packed his suitcase and flew out to Bangkok with my wonderful designer in tow and ran me through the new design brief!!!!! As I said before in one of my emails to Ennio and Vasco, the feeling on the factory floor is like all the team is one big family. I think there are even a few father and son teams there, that alone gave me faith.

Can you tell us something about your way of living on boats and the consequent brief to the yard and the designers? We understand the your Nauta Air 86 is actually a customized version of the Nauta Air 80 presented a few months before, correct? The way I am looking to utilize the Nauta Air (MAIA) at the moment is to be a fly in, fly out owner. I wanted a vessel that could have a great range and be self sufficient for long periods of time. Normally I had found this on larger yachts and the smaller yachts offering this was limited to say the least. I think CDM have found a niche in the market with the Nauta Air range. My main concern is that I wanted a homely boat that if I was the only one on board I would not feel uncomfortable, I wanted it to be a home away from home. Also very high on my list is that I wanted to entertain!!!!!! This was paramount. Increasing MAIA’s length was done mainly to accommodate larger crew quarters and garage. “happy crew, happy boat”.

What is/are your favorite area/s of your Nauta Air 86 and why? That’s easy! the sun deck, I’m an Aussie and BBQs and entertaining are what it’s all about. But overall I’m thrilled about the whole layout of the boat, there has been so much time and effort put in by all parties.

Usually, CdM customers are great cruisers and love to travel extensively with their Vessels: what is your plan after you will get delivery of your Nauta Air 86, if you have already envisaged it? Ok the rough plan at the moment is two seasons cruising the med and then maybe down to Brazil for the 2016 Olympics. Also at some stage I would love to explore the Kimberly region in the North West of Australia.

Now, you too have to answer the same question we ask to all the people we interview: give us three adjectives to describe CdM and its team. 1. Italian Pride
2. fantastic extended family style work ethics
3. willingness to work with clients in order to fulfill their needs and produce the best yacht possible



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

A conversation with Paul Miletta and Domenico Giuffrè by Maria Roberta Morso
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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia