Ennio Cecchini - CEO

When – 18 months ago – we brought the bare completed hull of the first Darwin Class 86’ from the metal carpentry facility inside the sheds of Cantiere delle Marche, I immediately understood that something very special was happening here in Ancona. Even if I involved just the needed number of workers to follow such a delicate operation, which was happening at 2:00 a.m. on the 7th of August, when I got off my car I immediately noticed that the whole team of workers and employees of the newborn Cantiere delle Marche was there!

They were following in silence the first hull which was slowly entering on a trailer into the shed, giving formally life to this great adventure. There was no need to say anything: once the trailer stopped and the Hull was secured on the chocks, some bottles of champagne misteriously appeared and we all toasted at HULLZEROONE!

I think that what happened that night describes perfectly what makes this Shipyard so different and succesful: Passion, Commitment and Pride. The same Passion who has lead us to start up a shipyard in the middle of the worse economic downturn ever, the same Commitment wich has made possible to deliver a 206 GRT Vessel just 9 months after completion of the Hull with a worldwide recognized quality, and the Pride of every single worker who puts all of his knowledge and energy to build the best quality possible for our Clients, just for the pleasure of knowing that one day he will be out there speaking highly of Cantiere delle Marche.

I am very happy today to have the possibility to open to all of you a window of CDM’s world through this Buletin. I am happy and proud to share with you what is making Cantiere delle Marche – in such a short time – a point of reference for all of those who – like us - are deeply in love with life at Sea.

Ennio Cecchini, CEO



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

A conversation with Paul Miletta and Domenico Giuffrè by Maria Roberta Morso
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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia