Vasco Buonpensiere - Sales and Marketing Director
Dear Friends, the following are some of my thoughts about the importance of Emotions in our industry as asked me by our valuable PR manager Alessandra Suardi.
We always hear about the yachting world as made of emotions in spite of the deep technical and rational contents of the yachts themselves: what can you tell us about this, Vasco? As far as I am concerned, it is very true. Yachting would not exist without emotions. The ones given by life onboard, the ones we feel reaching secluded bays when sun sets, the ones experienced living our own families in a much deeper and closer way than during our daily life. There are emotions linked to the production of a Yacht, too, which are different but as strong as the ones of the owners, like the ones we are living here at CdM daily, and now more than ever. In fact, there is nothing more thrilling and exciting than the launch of a new vessel which is also a new model and based on a new technical platform, like it just happened with the Darwin 96 M/Y Stella di Mare. This is the moment when, after about two years of efforts, hard work, ups and downs, we finally see if we did it right. It is the moment when the owners finally see their dream coming into life into its natural element. It is the moment when all the people involved in the build gather together and share applauses and words of gratefulness from the owners and the shareholders of the yard. This is something which can be emotionally understood only by the ones who have witnessed it. By the way, let me take this occasion to thank all the workers and the staff here at CdM for the incredible work they did: from the launch, to trials and acceptance, to the transfer of ownership to the owners, it has taken only 18 calendar days (from 23rd of March to 11th of April), including Easter holidays, with zero remarks on the protocol of delivery and acceptance!! Bravi!
Is there something else than the launch of a new yacht which brings thrill and excitement to you as a manager and shareholder of CdM? Well, definitely the closing of a contract! As you know we have just sold another beautiful vessel: a Darwin Class 86! These last Yachts are for two two completely different owners, two very different yachting philosophies behind the decision. But the same thrill during each and every step: the decision, the negotiations of the contracts, the design and specifications process. You always live those moments so deeply: you want to give the best to your clients, you want to be sure that the contract is fair and complete on both sides, you want to give the buyers all the confidence in what they are doing and... You are thrilled each and every day during the process. Then, as it has just happened, you sign the contract and the excitement (both the client and yours) spikes! A glass (or two..) of champagne, a laugh about the anedoctes which have built up during the process, and the kick-off meeting with your staff are absolutely and undoubtely... Exciting!
I can see in your eyes that you are living the emotions you are talking about, Vasco! Now, is there something which brings strong emotions to you, looking to the future of CdM? There are many things, which I cannot disclose now, who are really involving and exciting us a lot. But let me just say something which is creating us a lot of positive emotions: two of the owners to whom we have delivered our vessels are already talking about their new bigger CdM yachts as their families are growing and they need more space both for them and the crew. We are at the beginning of the process, and a few details they still have to be decided, but the good thing is that, after having had the ‘CdM experience’, there is one thing they are 100% sure about: the next one will be with us again!