Alessandro Piccioni - Tonidigrigio, Creative Labs

CdM Experience: an interview to Alessandro Piccioni web designer and shareholder of Tonidigrigio who is the succesful company in charge of the communication of Cantiere delle Marche.

This CdM Buletin is reaching its audience in a different format than usual. Why an On line Magazine? There are people who are glad to offer their hands, their mind, their passion to CdM and who share the strong passion for sea and navigation. The succesfull results and performance of CdM are definitely the outcome of those efforts, the commitment and the competency of these people. As a communication agency, we have taken this value and we have tried to give it back through the communication tools that the shipyard uses, such as the web site: in the CdM web site, in fact, we wanted to increase the value of the testimonies and experiences which make possible the evolution of Cantiere delle Marche’s life, devoting a section of the web site to what we have decided to call Diary, a sort of confidential diary, whose purpose is to give voice to the several experiences, impressions and vision of CdM partners”.

What was the result of CdM website in this last year? Now that one year has passed, the evaluation of this choice, so original for the web scenery of the yachting segment, is more than positive as far as number of pages seen, unique visitors number and average duration of the visits. Compared to other experiences in the same segment, I can say that the results have definitely overcome any former website we know. And we have had confirmations that the fact that we have opened a window onto the shipyard’s people, the surveyors, the owners and the captains, has been a relevant reason for this success. The users of the site and our partners too, have been so enthusiastic of having a place in which express, without filters, their opinions and their experiences.

You are basically saying that this Buletin is the answer to the demand of a better and separate opportunity to focus on the words and thoughts of the ones who are living the CdM Experience behind the scene? That’s the reason why we have decided to merge and reorganize these contents inside a real online Magazine: CdM Experience. CdM Experience is a new web space , autonomous and indipendent, which speaks about the stories and lives of people who experience yachting as protagonists. A project that focuses on people and which gives them the voice. The Tonidigrigio team, led by Alessandro and Massimo, enthusiastically accepted this new challenge, sharing the vision of the CdM to purpose itself in a direct and trasparent way. CdM Experience is also an interactive product, accessibile from any type of device, optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile. It is really a state-of-the-art online Magazine, browsable with a simple finger touch on the monitor. People are the soul of this company and they are the ones who make this experience so exciting, training and worthwile, therefore I would like to thank Ennio and Vasco for giving us the chance to get in contact with this amazing world, to know the secrets of the sea and of the ones who works for it”.



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

A conversation with Paul Miletta and Domenico Giuffrè by Maria Roberta Morso
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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia