Owner - M/Y Stella di Mare

Beside enjoing his cruises on his boat and sharing those unique feelings with his family and special friends, is the process which starts with the definition of the General Arrangement Plan and the Techincal Specifications and goes throughout the whole building process of his dream boat. It is amazing how can be exciting: after having imagined for months if not years, and afte having transformed you r ideas in drawings and technical papers, you start having in front of your eyes piece after piece, welding after welding, the realization of your dreams.

We have built other boats before and I can tell you that passing from excitement to frustration is really like crossing a very fine line. Luckily, I can say that in this case, building my Darwin Class 96’ is bringing the excitement to enjoiment and fun, with the help of the whole team at the yard!! Not only for me, but for all my family, including my parents.

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Every time we visit Cantiere delle Marche, we work together with engineers and designers to check the work in progress which is always matching the forecasts and expectations, we detail every single inch of the boat both technically and architecturall wise, we decide modifications which due to our better understanding of our future plans are wisely suggested and we always feel safe and comfortable, knowing the we are surrounded by an incredible group of passionate professionals. Having so much (deserved) confidence in the ones who are building your Yacht is a fantastic feeling which allows us to use our time and attention to what we like more: defining details, planning the future cruises, and building up our experience thanks to their help. CDM has been supporting and following us with such a unique professionalism, humanity and discretion during these months which really make their success in such a short time completely understable! I think that their secret is that they really approach their job as if they are building those yachts for themselves.

In every action, it is perceptible their enojoyment and their pleasure to satisfy each request, doing their best, even over the reached agreements. This is the difference that we expected from the other shipyards and today it is confirmed, CDM truly believes in helping the owners in getting the best out of their shipbuilding experience!



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

A conversation with Paul Miletta and Domenico Giuffrè by Maria Roberta Morso
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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia