Vasco Buonpensiere - Sales and Marketing Director

Dear Readers,
It has been quite a long time since our last issue of our super appreciated CdM Experience.

As you all know our explorer yachts are meant and built to travel the world and to reach the farthest corners of our globe yet there is a further kind of exploration that we offer to the Owners of the yachts we build: it is a wider and deepest way to explore, it is not only about exploring oceans and territories, but it is also about exploring different way of enjoying life onboard our yachts. This is what we call ‘flexploring’: cruising the oceans, ready for every occasion, event, conditions, and making the most out of your CDM explorer yacht’s flexible spaces, one-of-a-kind layout and extremely personal interior decoration.

‘To flexplore’ means leaving the known paths to discover new ones: yours. Your CDM explorer yacht mirrors you and adapts to your different needs and moods. By paraphrasing Proust, we might say that the real exploration consists not only and just in seeking new landscapes and reaching remote areas of our planet but in having new eyes.

Our Flexplorer line of yachts embodies these values as well as all CDM explorer yachts do. An example of flexibility is, for instance, the Darwin 106 Furlough about to be launched that, while keeping all major features of the Class she belongs to, is designed to be a true fishing boat with a unique layout and all equipment that allow the Owner and his family to enjoy extraordinary fishing trips to remote sites: from the enclosed lower cockpit to a battle station, from flush floor tanks for baits and fishes to extra size freezers and industrial ice makers. Furlough, on the other hand, is a super-comfortable explorer vessel with all the amenities you expect to find on a luxury yacht.

Next time we will take a first look on the brand new RJ130: the perfect synthesis between overengineering, sturdiness and style...



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

A conversation with Paul Miletta and Domenico Giuffrè by Maria Roberta Morso
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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia