Vasco Buonpensiere - Sales and Marketing Director
A real story happened just before the holiday break.
Probably the best way to describe us.
Italian trattoria.
A big horse-shoe shaped table with 20 young loud italians all wearing the same weird t-shirt with
I AM CDM written on the back of it (at different levels of wear and tear...).
Food and wine bottles are everywhere. All of the people around the table are laughing and smiling.
They are undoubtly happy and celebrating something.
The waitress laughs, too, when one of them ask her to go with him on holiday as from that day
his shipyard will be closed for two weeks.
Suddenly one of the people sitting at the table stands up, asking for silence, with the
typical attitude of someone who wants attention before giving a speech.
Incredibly (for an italian group of people at the end of a lunch, at least) all those smiling
faces shut up, except of someone making the usual jokes...
"Keep it short Vasco, don't kill us as usual with tons of words, we wanna go on holiday!!!"
"Ok, Ok Simone, I will make it simple and short. But this doesn't mean that what I am going to say it is less
important, so finish your glass of wine and stop fooling me around!"
It takes a while before order is brought back at the table, and as soon as it happens..:
"I don't need tons of words for this. I just want to look at all of your crazy faces and make sure
that we all realize what we do and what we have amazingly done in these six years".
All the 20 people applaude with all their energy, screaming like hell...
"I just want to know that you all will go on holiday this afternoon with the exact perception of
what you have concurred to build, and I want to make sure that all of you knows that Ennio,
Bruno, Gabriele and I are so incredibly proud of all of you".
Around Vasco - the one standing up and talking - faces become more attentive and focused immediately
after they all have finished applauding and screaming once again...
"I am sure that, when you were kids, all of you you were dreaming to be the best in the world in what you were
going to do. All of us have dreamt about it at least once in our lives".
Noise comes back again:
"I wanted to be the best soccer player in the world, I wanted to win the America's Cup", they all wanted to be the best in something indeed...
In order to stop the I wanted to be contest, Vasco imposes his voice and declares loudly:
"Well I have good news guys! Very good news for all of you!!! And in fact, we have just finished analyzing all the datas
we could gather from market intelligence publications, and we have realized that..."
"And what do your t-shirts say??? I AM CDM!"
"Therefore, guys, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE IN THE WORLD!!!!
"C'mon Vasco, you are always exaggerating things...!"
"Well Andrea, I don't think so. Follow me: If a team wins the World Championship, isn't every single player World Champion?"
"Oh my god... so... well... I can be considered number one in the world too???!!! That's true!!! NUMBER ONE!!!"
In a few seconds, no one glass or bottle is on the table anymore. Every single glass is filled with wine and every single bottle is emptied in
order to prepare for what it seems to be the most noisy and loud toast ever done (even in Italy).
Ennio stops the frenzy activitie and says:
"never forget where we started, how we got here, and what pushed us up to this level. We are still the same people, we are
always going to be the same humble family which we were when they all were looking at us like the Cinderellas of the industry!
This is and will be our strength. I promise that even if we should become the best in the Universe... we will never stop to
sit around the same table sharing successes and defeats, happy moments and hard times, like we have always done and
like we are doing today".
What happened after is very difficult to describe. Probably somewhere there is a video shot by Michele, but... I will make sure it will be destroyed.
See you in Cannes