Vasco Buonpensiere - Sales and Marketing Director

The annual yacht shows season will soon be upon the French Riviera once more and we look forward to it. We will bring to Cannes and Monaco two explorer yachts that have been launched in 2022: Uptight, a Darwin 106, and the 43m Acala, a pure custom explorer yacht.

Since the Cannes Yachting Festival 2021, CDM has been living a new phase in its activity. The success of the two yachts on display (the first yacht in the Flexplorer line, Aurelia, and the first RJ, an RJ 130) went beyond the most optimistic expectations and acted as a flywheel and a driving force that encouraged us to move forward with new enthusiasm and commitment while staying true to our company mission to build the best, more reliable, advanced and beautiful explorer yachts. A growing number of experienced yacht owners from all over the world look at CDM with trust and respect and we are extremely proud to welcome both new clients and many repeat clients who confirm their appreciation buying new explorer yacht by CDM. We have strengthened our team with new highly skilled professionals and are currently undergoing an internal reorganization to improve procedures and construction processes to build the best yachts for our clients and to do it on schedule.
We are witnessing changes in the yachting market as more yacht owners are willing to travel alone with their families and friends, leaving out the show-off side connected to owning a luxury yacht. The pandemic made people more inclined toward engaging in leisure and recreational activities, they look for experiencing more remote explorations, diving and fishing, and to meet these demands the yachts have to be designed to carry large tenders, more toys and purposely designed features and equipment. We are also seeing a growing number of young yacht owners that have different pastimes to their parents. Even the super-wealthy are seeking for simpler way of life and technology is woven into everything.

Both explorer yachts we present at the boat shows in 2022, and on the following pages, perfectly embody these trends.
Uptight, a Darwin 106, in the spirit of Charles Darwin evolution theory, shows how a model can adapt to meet different needs and requests. In this very case it has been designed to take her Owners to the most remote areas of the world for fishing expeditions.
Acala, a textbook of what is meant by “pure custom explorer yacht”, has been designed to a precise size and layout to match her Owners desire for specific accommodation and outdoor entertainment based on his extensive experience on the seven seas. The result is an exceptional one-off yacht for a repeat client which sets new standards in the luxury explorer cruising below 500GT.

With the fil rouge of this issue of CDM EXPERIENCE being: WHERE ARE WE HEADING? we asked three designers - Horacio Bozzo, Sergio Cutolo and Francesco Paskowski - to share with us their thoughts on yacht design trends. We will ask the same question to other designers that are currently working with CDM such as Giorgio M. Cassetta, Andrew Winch, Achille Salvagni, so stay tuned...
Last but not least, we interviewed Francesco Sanna, the young yet extremely experienced Captain of a Darwin explorer yacht that will soon set sail for a tour around the world.

Enjoy the reading!



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Beyond the horizon

by Vasco Buonpensiere - CdM’s Co-Founder and CEO
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CDM Australia

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Pazienza: A New Chapter Begins in Australia